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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.


2002-06-16 - 12:23 p.m.

My dad and I have a weird relationship.

There are moments where we look at each other, and I swear that both of us are seeing that unexplained divide, but neither of us know what will cross it.

I am an intellectual (of sorts), my dad does not see himself as anything more than a dumb guy.

I have no steady job, my dad has flown helicopters his whole adult life.

I am gay, my dad is straight.

I am chubby, my dad is lean, jogs every day, and has really good genetics that only come out in my skin tone.

We're both antisocial, but dad has his (whether constructed or no) "maleness" to fall back on. He can always talk sports.

We both have completely bizarre senses of humour. The sort that makes people look at us funny. I have a partner who enjoys that, he has a partner who wants to kill it.

I hate the woman to whom he's currently married.

The thing is, we are quite similar, but not in any of the ways that provide closeness. The best we can do is occasionally exchange looks of commonality, and usually that moment is filled with awkwardness.

I love him, though, and he loves me.

I wish I knew him better, though.


The Magus

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