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Tenacious D Rocks.

Pork Chops

2002-06-06 - 11:44 a.m.

I'm prejudiced against Babe: Pig in the City. I've heard from several different sources that it is a good movie. Some typically stalwart souls have even admitted to crying while watching it.

I saw it New Year's Eve, 1999 (the fake end of the Millenium) with Pookie in the basement of his mother's house in Bumfuck nowhere, where we had stockpiled cans of food and a few litres of water and had an independent electric generator, should the power go out and nuclear armageddon occur.

We also had enough alcohol to knock out a large horse.

Part way through Babe: Pig in the City, we got into a fight, and back then I fought loud and hard. We were both insanely drunk, and I can't remember what it was about, but I do know it got vicious -fast-.

A month later he broke up with me. I still had to live with him for a month afterward, until I could find a place of my own to live. He thought that maybe we could still sleep together even though we were broken up. I thought that was unhealthy. He started dating again.

I moved out and we barely talked for a few months, during which time his mom gave him about ten thousand dollars, he returned to his teenage anorexic roots and lost 50 pounds, gave up drinking, bought a new wardrobe, a computer, a big screen tv. He bickered with me about the proper ownership of our shared computer monitor. I invited him to a party, in which I got royally trashed and for some reason started screaming at him in front of everyone. I kicked him out, and then fled to my bathroom, because my apartment was a bachelor and had no other room divisions, and sobbed until someone from the party coaxed me out.

Eventually we got back together, and things have been much less turbulent since. That was two years ago...

Though I still can't imagine Babe: Pig in the City to be anything but atrocious.


The Magus

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