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Why I Like Chapter Titles.

2002-06-05 - 6:15 a.m.

I'm a title junky.

Whenever I buy a new book, it always gets bonus points if it has a table of contents and chapter titles.

Before I start reading, or after only reading the first few pages, I like to turn to the ToC (Table of Contents, sillies!) and try to guess where each chapter takes the characters. They become obscure runes, puzzles to be decyphered or slowly revealed, one by one.

As I read, I often flip back, relishing how those mysterious glyphs have now been imbued with meaning, that I can now see why that chapter is called "Tears of flame," or this chapter is called, "Enemies Found."

After the book is finished, if it's good enough, I may re-read it, and when I do, I always look at the Table of Contents and remind myself what those words mean. The glyphs have become markers, reminders of the journey I'm about to revisit.

Maybe that's why I put so much effort into chapter titles in my writing.


The Magus

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