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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.


2002-06-04 - 11:50 p.m.

My dark mood has temporarily lifted, and I can see the sunshine again. Not literally, because I live in a cave and work through the dark, dark night. It's figurative sunshine. Not that bright, and sort of blue, like those neon office lights.

So, okay, temporary reprieve. It could be because of sex tonight, or the promise of pot tomorrow, as well as an invite to a concert that will get Pookie and me out of the Cave and socializing with an old friend. It also could be because my friend Blind Merv (the artist formally known as Bren) has set up a diaryland account.

I'm forming a community here, starting to feel a little more human, even if most of you readers are nothing more than pixels on a soulless machine. I won't hold it against you.

As a consequence, I told myself that if I ever got 5 people to list me as a favourite, I would improve my diaryland, maybe I'll set to doing that over the next couple of days.


The Magus

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