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Random Magey Goodness

I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Colour, the brilliance of.

2002-05-30 - 1:03 a.m.

I walked home from work this morning, because we are poor and have no money to buy bus tickets. I think I get paid tonight, but that is only a hope, and a faint one, at that, because even if I am, Pookie and I are still screwed for dough. Lucky for us we tricked our landlord(lady?) into renewing our lease.

But walking home, I got to remind myself about colour again. Gardens are up, but even more than that are the trees, with their bright green, spring-style green. I always feel like by the end of August the green is tired, worn down by the summer sun. The spring green is hopeful, bursting with life and plans. The leaves are uneaten by bugs, are newly unfurled. And some trees are flowering...and colour is good. I know I'll take it for granted again, living in my grey world of midnight shifts, forget that there's a world bathed in sun for 12 hours at a time...but for now, I'm not taking it for granted, and that's a good thing.

One of the things about living in southern Ontario is that there is so much variety of life here. Halifax is hardly the barren, rocky province that someone described to me once when I lived in Ontario for grade 4, but feels like I'm in a rainforest. From the little, creepy, monster-movie-fast centipedes to the fact that people can grow fruit trees, grapes, flowers-of-all-sorts in tree's neat.

I have one more shift of work and then I am home for the weekend. If Pookie gets his bursary, I think there will be beer Friday night, even though we both agreed that we are too poor to afford our common vice.

Has that ever stopped us before?



The Magus

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