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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.


2002-05-29 - 9:29 a.m.

I'm a glutton for punishment. While randomly looking through diaryland, I noticed that nsync was in the top 20 favourite bands. That bothered me, so I started to look at the diaries that had it chosen, specifically narrowing in on the diaries that seemed less likely to belong to 13 year old girls.

Of those that belonged to slightly older teenage girls, most of them had Pearl Harbor as their favourite movie.

Let me make one thing clear: Pearl Harbor is a very, very bad movie. It makes Star Wars I and II, Independence Day (that "aliens blow up the U.S." flick...remember?), and The Thirteenth Warrior (is that right? came out around 2000, with Antonio Banderas?) all look like Shakespearean masterpieces. I never chose to watch it, but had it thrust upon me on a bus ride back from home around Christmas time when some woman, who I hope loses both her thumbs to disease, decided that we should all be forced to watch it. Presumably because she got it for Christmas and doesn't have a VCR at home so she had to watch it -somewhere-.

It is a hideous movie. Avoid at all costs. I am not kidding. There's a "billowy-curtain-type-thingies love scene". And really heavy dialogue, that was blasted at me because the bus didn't have volume controls.

Anyway, so, utterly fascinated, I then switched focus to see who had Pearl Harbour listed as a favourite can guess how it went.

I had to stop when I finally reached a diary that had their favourite books section filled out like this:

Steven King: I wanted to put cultured books, but I like him.

John Grisham: Much more cultured.

They were -serious-!

I am now going to bed.


The Magus

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