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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Why I haven't mentioned England.

2002-05-30 - 1:12 a.m.

I considered making a comment about the guestbook repartee, and how I really feel about England, but I live in Toronto, which is the centre of the universe. Better, even, than my beloved Halifax. Better than Shangri-la. We have a tower. It's a tall tower. It's really tall, here in TO.

So, no other city matters.

As an aside, my Pseudo-friends have not called me back, which shows to me that they are actually more interested in Pookie. Which isn't that bad. He's a fun drinker, and he can -always- put on his party face. I get drunk, and I want to talk about issues and politics, and then make fun of bad movies. I, believe it or not, am an acquired taste.

And I can tell you, I could do a better job than one of my ex-pseudo-friends at hiding my disappointment when I told him that Pookie would not be joining us for the evening.

And continuing the aside, but changing it's direction...I've been thinking of my old friends. Both those that I've recently left behind in Halifax, as well as those I've lost along the way before that. I think I've been really lucky in finding people to share with, and I wish that some of our friendships could have survived the flow of time. In the best of imperfect worlds, each and every one of my old best friends is happy, or is on the road to being there.

And I don't really wish anyone's thumbs would fall off to disease. Not really.


The Magus

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