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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Despair, the continuation of.

2002-05-29 - 7:22 a.m.

I am having one of the worst nights since I started this job. It's a combination of having now sleep, having no spare time, having been here 22 out of the last 32 hours (and only 4 hours of sleep in that 2 hrs of transit time), and unexpected business.

Last night's work was a night filled with creepy callers, each one taking the "scary phone voice" in their own new, unique directions. Kuddos to them. Tonight was the night of completely screwed up people. The ones that are a very strong argument for mandatory intelligence assessment.

I am so tired and strung out and on-the-verge-of-nervous-breakdown right now that I have no idea if I just spelled 'intelligence' right. Probably not.

And I have no more bus tickets, so I have an hour long walk home.

I am fantasizing about the hole that I call an apartment. Right now, I never want to come back here.


Oh, and...


The Magus

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