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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.


2002-05-28 - 11:49 p.m.

And one more entry to close out the day. Likely a short one, and then I can sleep. I mean work. Blah.

Yesterday didn't start well for me, mainly because when I came into work, my poinsetta was dead. It's not mine, really, just something left over from a Christmas party in the office, but someone put it on top of the water-cooler-filter-thing, and since I go for water many times throughout the night, I started watering it.

At some point I became the only person who watered it.

And then, tragedy struck at home. I left our home plant (our only home plant. Our only living thing (aside from spiders and weird centipede-y things that we don't have in Halifax that are -definitely- never mentioned when people talk about southern Ontario, but should)) outside for some sun. I forgot to take it in. It got frost bitten. And then frost bitten some more. And now it's dead. Really dead. Pookie, in his vast wisdom, figured that if he ripped off all of the leaves and stems and everything, it might recover. So far it hasn't.

Anyway, I must have been grief-stricken, because I forgot to water the poinsetta.

And when I noticed it yesterday, it was -really- droopy. As in, most plants at that stage of droopy are really just kindling.

In desperation, I watered it, cooed to it (not really, but I -did- fret), and pampered it, anxiously watching it every time I went into the staff kitchen.

I felt like an absolute failure. It definitely tainted any joy I could have for the day.

And today: it's fine. Ressurected. Back from the dead. Like Lazarus, except a plant, and not because I have god-like powers.

In fact, it looks -better- than it has since I adopted it.

I'm almost happy enough to give it a name, like "Pointy" or something, but I feel that would be a little patronizing. It doesn't need personification to be special.

(That reminds me of "Le Petit Prince," a child's book that we read in high school, that apparently can be read at many of the morals is that something isn't special because it talks, or is prettier than the rest, or even because it's unique. Something is special because someone makes it that way. If someone values something, then that thing is automatically of value. Nice moral. The book can be found in english, too.)



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