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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Bubble of Enthusiasm

2002-05-28 - 11:36 p.m.

And ah Hell! Why not write another entry, just because my life is oh-so chock-full of life-y goodness.

And because I am itching to write something.

When I was in high school me and a couple other folks (okay, my brother and his friends) created a 'zine about the sci-fi/fantasy/horror genre/culture in Halifax...we put out 2 issues, I think, and before things fell apart had the 3rd almost ready. That was fun, and I want to be an editor someday.

I loved the collaborativeness and the creative process and seeing something come to fruition (if a little over-ripe), and I want that again.

I work in an environment where there's so many people doing things that I want to join in...but I don't think I'm at that point yet. I think I may end up doing some sort of online thing, but that -would- involve my learning hypertext to some degree.

My dream is to start a publishing company within the next ten years, and focus on good fiction, alternative-y stuff, and left-wing propaganda. I want to make a magazine that encourages discussion and talk and the conflict of ideas and ideals. Like I mentioned in my inaugural post here, I want a discussion forum that is both dynamic and constructive, that makes people want to go out and change the world for the better...

And boy, where'd that bubble of enthusiasm come from?

I think I'm a loud typer.


The Magus

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