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Random Magey Goodness

I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Hockey (sans brutality) and Pookie (sans his actual presence).

2002-05-28 - 11:05 p.m.


Watched a hockey game, oh so good for my manly-man-ness. I got to grunt and shout and wave my hands in the air. And, actually, the sport wasn't nearly as rough as I had been lead to was good old hockey. Maybe the refs were keeping a tighter rein on the players tonight, but there weren't any big fights that I saw. But then, the Leafs seemed to have a strategy I saw in a Fooseball game, so maybe beating each other to a pulp wasn't a necessity.

Was talking with Pookie over the phone, since we haven't seen each other for 24 hours, and have another 24 to go. I'm tired and grumpy, so when I got off the phone I felt even worse...he kept saying things like, "We never get to see each other anymore." And it's like, yeah, that's true, but what can I do about it?

It's similar to why I hate window shopping when I'm broke. It's like, "What's the point?"...I don't savour temptation, not when I know it will never be fulfilled. The same thing with Pookie's comments...we can't change it, it sucks, so why dwell?

But, yay me! I managed to not say anything overly biting or caustic...and reminded him we have the whole weekend together, since I somehow scored 4 out of the next 5 weekends off. Huzzah!

And I completely forgot to mention the margerine. If I'm lucky, he'll butter his toast with thecat-licked part, so I can enjoy it in my mac-and-cheese. Hehehe...I am so evil.


The Magus

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