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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Despair, the making of.

2002-05-28 - 7:38 a.m.

I am at work now. Then I will go home. Then I will go to sleep. Then I will wake up. Then I will go to work for a meeting. Then I will stay at work, because I won't have enough time to make it home to make it worthwhile. Then I will work for another 8 hours. Then I will go home. Then I will go to sleep.

I -really- wish there was something to brighten up that itinerary, but there isn't. Not at all.

And when I mentioned to my supervisor that I was still feeling sick and felt like my symptoms weren't going away, just mutating, but I was glad I'd have a chunk of time off after this giant-mega-shift, she made an odd expression that says to me, "Oh...I think that even though you've worked 5 of the last 6 days and had been scheduled to work 6 of the last 7, you're only going to have 2 days off before we force you back here again."

Which does not please me. Not one little bit.

But, I can't write about that now, because I have to get ready to go home. Then go to sleep. Then go to work...


The Magus

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