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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Why I might want a change.

2002-05-28 - 12:49 a.m.

So now that a great big three people have me listed as a favourite, I find myself contemplating a change...should I update the site, make it a little more appealing to the eye, bring it more in line with the Inner Magus?

The problem is that I'd almost want to do it myself, which would require my learning HTML, and...well...that would involve some work. Or at least a few minutes of dedication to a task. Dare I commit?

Actually, I'd have to learn HTML to use one of the free templates as well, but that would be much, much easier.

And, creature of habit that I am, I find the soothing, generic blue to be somewhat comforting, like an old, ratty, smelly blanket in which I can curl up.

Plus, would I change with new digs? Would my musings alter in some undefinable way? Would I change the essential-ness of me?

Many things to ponder, true.

But in the end, I think I want change, maybe even need it. If I lose a piece of myself, is that so bad if I gain something more? Change requires loss - of time, of being - but it also leads to growth.

Am I ready to abandon the stale, blue-ness of my current home? Dare I take the leap into the unknown?

I'll tell you later.


The Magus

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