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Random Magey Goodness

I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Pookie says it's racist.

2002-05-15 - 11:23 p.m.


I've been calling Pookie 'Messy mcMesspherson" for at least a year.

I've been calling losers (losers who aren't me, of course) 'Loser mcLosepherson' for over a year.

In fact, the " -blanker McBlankpherson" has been in my groups' common usage since early 1999.

I learned it from my good friend who is now a marketrist (I call him 'Mr. Market McMarkpherson'). Like all good advertisers, he likely stole the idea and twisted it so that he could get a whole bunch of money.

My cynicism is partly due to my best friend who has (I discovered after seven years of laughing) stolen every single one of her punchlines from SNL, Kids in the Hall, and SCTV.

Apparently, I suck at recognising true brilliance within my closest friends. Instead, I excell at being gullible and assuming the best of the people I care about. Even when they're stupid copy mccopphersons.

This is my homage to them.


The Magey McMagepherson

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