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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Why Will rocks, and therefore there are way too may parenthetical statements.

2002-05-15 - 11:56 p.m.

I am not doing this to be a "gomer." Gomer, by my group's definition, is someone who means well, who tries -really- -hard- yet still fails. Because he is ultimately a geek.

The moral of the Gomer is similar to Homer Simpson's message to his kids: "Never try."

Homer never met Will or Tera.

Homer also was lucky enough to never meet my pseudo-friends who feel that transgendered issues are wrong because they "don't understand it."

And, subversively, I have and will bring up transgendered "issues" (by "issues", in this case, I mean, of course, "exclusion", Har de har har) whenever the Michigan subject comes up.

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The (I write several times a day) Magus

(and really, really want folks to list me as a favourite)

(and don't give it too much value...BUT check out my April 25th entry about contests....I will -so- pay that, at this point. It's a self-esteem thing)

(and there is something I can't remember...hmmm...)

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