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Tenacious D Rocks.

A Single Raisin

2002-05-15 - 4:34 a.m.

Two days away from my one year anniversary of being in Toronto. This time last year I was frantically trying to squeeze as much as I could into the three boxes and two "carry-on" bags that the train would allow me.

I had a load or two of clothes in the building's laundry room which I ended up never claiming, because they wouldn't have fit anyway. I'm hoping there weren't any of my favourite shirts there, but I haven't been missing anything, so I'm guessing not. Instead of doing all my dishes, I threw a whole pile of them in the garbage. I dragged the carpet cleaner from work, so when I finally tried to use it, it left twin streaks of mud across the rug.

I don't think I'd make a terribly good nomad. The pack-ratting and the last-minute packing tend to hurt me in that respect.

I was sleeping on the floor, I remember, and my cat had already been taken to my mom's where, two months later, she would call me and say she had had him put to sleep. Calculating the dates, she killed him sometime between his (estimated) birthday, and mine.

She means well, but my mom is never getting her hands on any of my family members ever again. My dog was put to sleep about 2 months after I first moved out from her place. It's a little distressing.

I'm toying with the idea of developing a complex over it.

So now, at 4:30 in the morning, I can't sleep, even though I'm at home with the Pook snoring away in the next room. And my thoughts turn to the fact that I've done fairly well in the last year.

I also learned yesterday that one way to prevent a recurrance of depression is to focus on a single raisin, meditation style, while you eat it.


The Magus

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