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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Stem Cell Humour

2002-05-13 - 3:09 a.m.


I must pace myself when reading other peoples' diaries. It's not so bad when I'm drunk and go on a guestbook-signing-binge because, unless people reply to my guestbook signings, I usually forget that I completely somehow missed the point of whatever it was I was replying to. Example:

Diary excerpt: "I'm in love with a boy. He's so very cute, and I think he likes me. And I'm having my period today!"

The Magus' drunken guestbook signing: "Izt's okay, I likesh you cuz yer gay, like me izh! And I'm shorry he hatesh yer guts! Punctionation sucks!"

The good thing about this is that I have a handy excuse for the poor quality of so many of my entries. The bad thing is...well...the poor quality of so many of my entries.

Now, when I'm sober, I need to pace myself for completely different reasons. In part because I get completely intimidated...these are people writing great stuff for free, and one day I hope to actually -sell- my stuff. Plus, once upon a time, I was articulate, creative, energetic, and lauded by my teachers. My grade three teacher was especially impressed. Now, in the real world, there isn't really much to recommend me...except for all of that stuff in the last entry.

Oh, and as I discovered yesterday, I can appreciate stem cell humour. That's gotta be worth something that rhymes with "drool".


the Magus

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