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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

On the Importance of Colour

2002-05-03 - 3:37 p.m.

Also...I've completely forgotten about colour.

I've been staring at photographs on the net, completely mesmerised by the colours...just ordinary colours. Like the red on a fire truck, or green, or...just colours. They are colours I remember...I lived with colour once upon a time. I -liked- colour.

I'm really embarassed that colour is so freaking me out right now. I've been mesmerised by it for three days or so, and haven't had the guts to tell anyone.

I work midnights. I live in a basement apartment with probably about a square foot of useful window space (by "useful" I mean not facing a perma-dark alleyway or opening to underneath the landlord's porch). I never see sunlight. All I know is the twilight of home, or the neon-twilight of work, with 30 minutes of cityscape-in-clouded-sunlight.

I could drink in the colours of photgraphs forever. I want to slurp it up. I want to live in green and red and clear and light and golden (not gold, golden: the colour of sunlight through a settled raindrop)....

I'm not sure if I can handle spring.


The Magus

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