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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Perfunctory Entry #2

2002-05-07 - 12:51 a.m.

I had all sorts of things to add that weren't quite so depressing as my having forgotten about colour. Unfortunately I cannot recall them.

I had a good weekend, in the sense that I spent time with Pookie, and we got to go outside. Friday morning I got home from work and stubbornly decided to drink for the whole day. I liked that. Every now and then it's good to binge drink and torment your liver.

I'll probably be withered and aged by 32 and dead by 40.

I realised the other day how bizarre my experience of Toronto is. My day starts when everyone else's is ending. The faces on the subway are the faces of people who've had their day and are looking to go home, who've weathered the city with its crowds and noise and pollution and are now looking for some quiet. In the city, I think, most of the really insane people travel in the day.

When I go home in the morning things are busier, but I don't have to deal with it. Everyone is heading into the city while I am heading outward. My subway platform is nearly as deserted as at night, and I'm the only person on my bus in the middle of morning rush hour.

It's probably the only way I could live in Toronto. The only way I could deal with crowds in a city this size is to avoid them altogether.


The Magus

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