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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Why I don't see a doctor.

2002-05-03 - 2:29 p.m.


My jaw has now, at least once a day, caused me great pain for the last two weeks.

I try to chew, and my jaw dislocates or something, and suddenly I have pain.

I am much less worried about this than I should be...especially since the pain goes away.

If the pain leaves, it's not as serious, and obviously I don't need to see anyone or leave the house or my daily path or anything. Even if the pain reoccurs, I at least know it will leave one day.

I should join one of those religious groups that believes God will cure anything. I really should.

But, like the crippling, preventing-me-from-chewing, pain in my jaw, this realisation will pass.


The Magus

PS Read the last entry. I liked it.

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