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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

How I became an ex-smoker.

2002-05-01 - 6:32 a.m.

So, I have no idea why I'm suddenly making entries two or three times a day instead of...well, the never of last december. I have no clue. My life isn't any more interesting or anything.

I realised today that well over half of my entries have been made in the month of April alone...more entires than in the previous five months. Isn't that a neat factoid?

*snicker* I just said "factoid."

I'm feeling silly and completely anti-work, though I will work. Because I need to get paid. The worker's revolution won't happen today.

I'm kind of concerned that I can't remember the day when I quit smoking. It's been around 6 months, but I like anniversaries, and this accomplishment will go unlauded. All I know is that my strategy sucked: I waited until I had a cold, and then I smoked an entire pack that morning. When I woke up, I was S.I.C.K. My boyfriend, whom I will love forever and ever and ever, stayed awake, bathing my fevered brow with a cool, wet cloth, afraid that I would die from the fever. I vaguely remember him using icecubes, and my being upset because I felt so cold already, though in retrospect I was crazy-hot. I pulled through, though the cold lasted several days. I couldnb't move, let alone go out to buy cigarettes.

My strategy so far has worked much better than when I took Zyban. Zyban, an ex-anti-depressent, worked for a while, except I had the most vivid dreams and was likely only inches away from insanity. And, obviously, I started smoking again afterwards. My get-so-sick-so-you-can't-move-and-then-quit-cold-turkey method worked quite well.

Damn. I should have patented that idea and sold it for huge amounts of money. Like those "cigarettes in gum form" or "cigarettes in patch form." I'm glad that the pharmaceutical companies finally found a way to profit off of smoking. They must have worried about that, since they've managed to profit off of every other aspect of human kind.

I really am not that bitter. I'm actually kinda sweet.


The Magus

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