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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

My first list

2002-05-01 - 2:23 a.m.


I think I want to delete that last entry. It was awful. It was like the muse was in another room chatting with friends or playing shuffleboard while I was trying to write.


Okay. So, stuff:

1) I am writing again if it kills me! I have given myself a week to write some sort of a story, even if it's crap.

2) Hotel California is playing on the radio.

3) I am at work and it's been too busy for a Tuesday night, but that's okay because I'm a little tired but only tired enough to not care.

4) I am completely amazed at how boring that last entry was. I am stunned.

5) This was not meant to be a list.

6) I am going to develop structure in my life, including a schedule wherein I work, go to the gym, and then come home and write for half an hour to an hour each and every day. When I do not work, I will try to write longer.

7) I like ducks, but I like puppies better.


The Magus

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