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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Not-quite-empty Office

2002-04-27 - 9:46 a.m.

Somehow strangers are worse if they're gay.

I don't know why this is, and I suppose it's kinda bigotted of me.

But I'm waiting in the office for my boyfriend to show up (he's okay, even though he is gay and is strange, because he isn't a strangER, get it?) and the office is deserted except for me, my lesbian co-worker (with an over-worked Buffy fixation, but that's okay. It's something to talk isn't Womyn's Fest time yet, so we gotta talk about -something-) and some strange gay guys setting something up for something that my office is somehow involved in.

They keep coming back to our isolated little cubicle-y area to ask questions about the alarm system, or, like one guy, just to stand and look out of the window, saying nothing, and then walking away.

And for some reason (because they're gay, I think) it's just a littl;e more excruciating than usual to talk and/or associate with them. It's like being at a friend's house and they leave for a minute, and their roommate, whom you've never met but know about and have seen his empty room, comes out after just waking up, all morning-looking and tired and gravelly. He shambles into the living room (where you're sitting) and you look awkwardly at each other, not quite sure what to say. You don't know him, he doesn't know you, and he has every right to be there but you kinda just hope he'll go back to his room or suddenly leave or something so that you can be alone in your absent friend's house until she returns.

It's -that- kind of awkward, only heightened a bit. Because they're gay.

It's quite weird.


The Magus

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