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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Why I'm tired right now (but mostly happy).

2002-04-27 - 7:01 p.m.

Absolutely exhausted and exhilerated...

My first ever anti-war, pro-peace protest.

I now know where both the Israeli and U.S. consulate buildings are here.

Two things:

It was the most multicultural experience I've had yet...there were equal parts of every colour, dosed liberally with every sexuality, gender, in-betweens, religions, political affilliations that you could mention in one breath.

I'm a little bit shocked by the pro-Pallistinian, ant-Israeli stance....and I think I wasn't the only one. I expected a "Free Pallistine" contingent...but I think there were more than a few of us who cringed at the "Down, Down Israel" chants...end the occupation, but I'm not ready to decide on a side yet...and I don't think many of us were. The protest/march was for peace, not for a different set of victors.

I am exausted...I will have more to say later, I'm sure.


The Magus

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