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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Spring has Sprung

2002-04-24 - 2:41 a.m.

I guess that, in addition to being aggressively social, I think I'm becoming a little but aggressively socially conscious, which is always a heady experience for me.

Spring has sprung,

The grass has riz,

Tell me where

The protest iz!

My theory of seasonal mood swings has yet another spring to reinforce it. The weather gets warmer, the days are longer, I see the sun and suddenly my thoughts turn toward social revolution, progressive philosophies, helping others! I'm surfing the web, thinking it might be a good time to volunteer for the IMC (Independent Media Centre, doncha know), I'm boning up on 'economic theory for protestors,' thinking of great articles to write if only I had the means to research them...

It's like a hurricane of well-meant but half-realized goals. Like a table covered with unbaked cupcakes. Or something.

I feel energized, hopeful, hopeless, powerful, powerless, sexual, and too-busy-for-that-sort-of-thing all at once. I love it.

But, this year, will I actually do something? Will I dare to emerge from my safe shell, face my agoraphobia, and actually -do- something?

And as always, I find myself hoping very much that I can maintain momentum enough to pass that threshold. And as always, I find myself really doubting if I can.



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