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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Look at what the church has done to me!

2002-04-24 - 1:16 p.m.

I must be losing my mind.

I just spent about two hours looking for a study on whether or not homophobia is caused by repressed homsexuality. I don't even care, really.

You are asking 'Why did you do that, the-magus?'

And I answer: because of a post someone made on the SurvivorSucks webforum, a place where fans (and not so fans) come to discuss that wonderful/horrible show called "Survivor."

And you are asking, more insistently, 'Isn't that a really sad, pathetic reason to waste an hour and a half looking for one miserable study?'

And I can only answer: yes.

I can only explain it by maybe alluding to my current rage with the Catholic church and their bigotted associations of homsexuality and pedophilia, which, btw, there are numerous studies showing no correlation between the two. Or perhaps it is the fact that they seem to be calling for a witchhunt to weed out any homosexuals in their midst, or the sudden (and honestly, I didn't expect it: I'll let ya know why in the next paragraph) swing to absolute conservatism, wherein they might even take away the little bone they threw us, about loving the 'sinner', hating the 'sin.'

I'm not catholic, but my boyfriend is.

Actually, worse than that, he's doing his MDiv (masters of divinity) within the catholic system, hoping to one day be a spiritual/religious councellor either to the dying and ill or to prisoners in our penal system. BUT if the church is serious about this witchhunt thing-y, if my boyfriend wants a job while retaining his catholic legitamacy, he has to deny our relationship.

And, frankly, -both- of us have spent some time in the closet. And, after almost four years of being together, sleeping together, planning children and house purchases together, we aren't quite ready to call each other 'roommates.'

So...this has led me to scouring the Survivor webpages in search of poor, innocent people who simply ask for references.

I need a hobby.



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