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2002-04-18 - 4:51 a.m.

I'm trying to be a good little working stiff, but it's one of those nights...the whole city got to experience summer early, and I basically slept through (according to everyone) the best weather I will ever see in my entire life (some people added about thirty exclamation points here...I'll spare you that).

That kind of thing sorta keeps the lid on any spontaneous moments of rejoicing.

I'm not writing, and haven't been for a while, aside from my own little silly unproductive games. The one moment when I absolutely -had- to write something was also when my darling hubby had to type up his essay on metaphysics. I'm not afraid of having lost the knack, but I -am- concerned that if I plan to be a writer, I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that I'll have to write at some point.

I'm wishing I was back in school, or that we could win the 17 million this friday. I caught myself looking at house plans on the 'net, trying to decide which house would look best on me.

I have decided that living with someone who's writing exams and being stressed out is often a real buzzkill.

And if anyone out there knows a way that an "under-a-rock dweller" such as myself can get some freakin' pot in this city...please, please let me know!



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