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Random Magey Goodness

I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Why I Had No Friends in High School

2002-04-11 - 7:48 a.m.

Feeling a little bit better today, but still thinking about RPing and the good times my old group had. Then I stumbled onto an RP lexicon, here: (please excuse my utter lack of html knowledge...I'll figure this out one day). And decided to make up my own couple of additions that are likely not even remotely funny unless you were there:

Evil Ducks (noun): Used to describe an unlikely or ludicrous threat to the PCs. Based on a Werewolf game where the Cearn in a park was burned to the ground, leaving only the ducks, huddled on an island in the pond. Primary theories were that the ducks had burned the Caern or that someone else had burned the Caern to get the ducks.

Waddledaub (p.noun): An incompletely realized town. Based on a town I made up where the buildings were made in the "wattle and daub" (mud and straw) style and the NPCs were about as fully detailed as those in the first Final Fantasy game for Nintendo. For some reason every town I make up is known only as "Waddledaub" to my players.


Good days, good days...

And this, my friends, is why I haven't taken over the world yet.



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