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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

I will finish reading Heinlein's book if it kills me.

2002-04-10 - 5:42 a.m.

I just wasted two hours reading someone else's diary looking for any mention of myself...any teeny, tiny mention of myself, just so I wouldn't feel invisible.

I'm feeling really small/unimportant these days, missing my old RPing group, missing my -friends-, and wishing that moving to a new city didn't mean having to insert yourself into pre-existing social circles. I feel like making friends is being an imposition.

ARGH! I hate feeling like this, even though I know it'll pass. I'm an optimist at heart don'cha know.

Lots of stuff going on, none of it about me but I find myself doing and saying stupid things, going on a crusade so-to-speak. Is it because of my sense of right and wrong? Or is it 'cause I want to win friends and influence people?

I need people around me to tell me when I'm being crazy...

It could just be that it's exam week...not for me, of course, for my boy. He's keeping me sane, I'm keeping him's like when you were kids and you grab onto a friend's arms, he grabs onto yours, and you just start spinning, relying on their weight to balance yours...neither of you have any control, but without the other you'd be unbalanced, on the ground. He's doing too much, I'm doing too little and somehow that's keeping things balanced.

Have I mentioned: ARGH!

Anyway, some random thoughts:

It's funny reading articles on free speech from those who don't put it into practise.

I like how porche put out a survey claiming porche is the favourite "dream car" and that's what passes for front page news.

I hate how bad things can happen to good people, and how when it happens it seems to screw everyone up, mucking with all of our senses, with how we live in this world.

And I hope that the lady at the bus stop yesterday is okay...that whatever world she's in is better than this one for her, and that the bus guy was feeling -something- when he coldly told me she was always like that when I asked if she needed help.



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