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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Dear bankrupt company,

2001-11-13 - 2:08 a.m.

Dear Canada3000,

Hi! Just thought I'd drop you a note to let you know how sorry I am that you've gone bankrupt. Hey, it happens to the best of us. Please accept my condolences and my donation of $300.00(cdn). I don't have much money, and in fact had to save up for quite some time to get that much together. It also means that I won't be able to spend much on Christmas presents this year, but please. Take it. Pay your bills: mine can wait.

I've explained the situation to my family (you see, originally I had planned to use that money to visit them, including my 9 year old sister: she just had her birthday last month, but I couldn't visit her then. I've bought her a kid's detective set and a dad and step mom say I always buy her the best books) and they understand. Times are tough. Boy, don't they know that! My mom is just squeaking by, and my dad and step-mom have to save for my little sister's university tuition, which will likely be twice as much as it is now in ten years. Even my brother only makes minimum wage, so he's not able to visit me.

So, please, take the money. I don't mind. Refunds are difficult, especially now. I don't expect any service in exchange for funds. Consider it a gift.



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