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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.


2004-08-04 - 9:26 a.m.

Okay, we'll say that this is depression, or something. Last night I spent a good twenty minutes fighting off inexplicable crying jags before trundling off to bed.

I feel like I'm acting on a subsistance level: I've been doing the bare minimum to keep myself alive: working for money to buy food, sleeping on time to go to work, getting out of bed to reduce bed sores, etc.

I'm going to pull myself out of it. I'm pretty sure I can do that. I just need to accomplish one or two things, take some careful rest days, and stay relatively focused.

In other news, there's a guy on our personals system that keeps posting ads asking for guys to be in his personal porn collection, which kind of creeps me out. I'd hate to know that someone was jacking off to a home movie of me. I tried to qualify that last statement with something like "unless it was a boyfriend or something", but even then, no. I have no desire to be on anyone's porn tape.


The Magus

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