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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

This is what the right side of the bed feels like

2004-07-09 - 8:36 a.m.

For the past two days in a row I've found a penny on the ground and picked it up. I'm either lucky or building a multimillion dollar empire way too slowly.

I'm also feeling great today. Like, "Tony the Tiger" great. I have to resist the urge to spell that word with a billion "r"s. I had a good day at the gym and I just feel...clean, good, healthy.

I'm also fending off work-induced paranoia, so maybe I'm over-compensating.

Aside from work, though, my life couldn't be better right now, really. Sure, money's tight, but I'm doing things that I enjoy when I get off work. I'm writing, I'm working out, I'm spending time with friends (this weekend I have, in order, a writers' meeting, football-tossing with friends, and a D&D game)...these are the reasons that show me that giving up drinking is a good thing.

And my decision to look for other work has me feeling a bit more empowered. It may mean a drastic reduction in my standard of living, but it will be nice to be someplace else. I don't want to work in customer service again, but I will if it means that I have a supervisor I can look in the eye without hating myself. It will if I can see my supervisor as a human being and not some petty, capricious person who hurts everyone who works for her.

But seriously, this morning I have one of those feelings like everything's going to fall into place, that the universe is poised to bring about good things.

It's funny, because yesterday's penny didn't bring these feelings at all. Maybe the Universal Consciousness has finally learned that I'm a skeptic who needs multiple good omens before I'll put any stock in them.

Either that or it's a set up for one doozy of a pratfall.

Also, I've decided that I automatically love anyone who uses the word "queer" to mean strange or odd.

I also know it's unrealistic to hope this, but I do: I hope that everyone else has as great a day as I've had so far.


The Magus

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