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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

I voted

2004-06-30 - 8:50 a.m.

Thanks for all your birthday wishes. I've been meaning to update, but keep getting distracted or losing interest. I wanted to talk about my vote which went to the Green party this year, a decision I don't regret. There's some new rule (or maybe the rule is just "new to me") that gives more funding to parties that get over a certain percentage of the popular vote, so I threw my vote to the Greens in the hope that their government funding would lead to some interesting discussions.

The Green Party doesn't necessarily have my vote next time...I'll probably return to the NDP, especially if the riding I'm living in is a close call for them.

I'm tempted to try explaining Canadian politics to my non-Canuck readers, but I'm at work and have work to do. Sigh.


The Magus

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