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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Cause of Death: Literacy

2004-06-22 - 11:01 a.m.

Urk...I don't have my gold membership anymore, so I end up feeling guilty for updating so often, especially when I get the "Diaryland is too busy, wait a minute" message. I feel like I should just wait until tomorrow to update, since this entry isn't really important.

I was just thinking about how one of the largest crises in my life right now is one of excess. I have too many unread books!

I usually read 3 or 4 at once (right now I am reading: Dark Age Ahead by Jane Jacobs, Two Cheers for Democracy by Forster, The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde, and sitting, only half-read but neglected, is The Count of Monte Cristo which I would like to get back to, but I'm somewhat lost in the middle), so that means I'm in the habit of always picking up 3 or 4 books at any book store.

The problem is that I've somehow got my hands on a lot of books lately, enough to have me reading for months. My mom gave me some books when I was up to visit, now a friend has boxes of books that she's giving away, and I was just in a book store last week.

I feel like I should just avoid book stores entirely until I've caught up on the reading, but I know I won't. I'll be shopping for something to read within two weeks. I'd bet money on it.

When I die, it will probably be because a was crushed underneath a stack of books that I was meaning to get to, eventually.

There are worse things to be worried about.


The Magus

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