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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Where I Work

2004-05-12 - 8:27 a.m.

Spent last night tossing and turning, thinking about the fact that my supervisor pretty much committed sexual harrassment (or came pretty close to the line) when she fired my friend. Even though that whole thing happened months ago, it still rankles, and last night it rankled more than usual. I feel that by not leaving, or saying something, and by just letting it fade into the past, I'm complicit in the act, somehow.

I think that this may be something I want to talk with my mom about, when I visit, maybe. Find out what she would do. Years ago, she (and a few other women) were harrassed by their minister (I never liked him anyway, even before I found out about what happened), and while they ended up being successful at making him move to another church, that man is still somewhere, doing his job, and maybe abusing his position.

I don't think that my supervisor is in the same class as that minister. I think that she ended up in a difficult position that she hadn't (but she probably should have) forseen, and wasn't able to handle it as well as she could have, whereas the minister was probably a "sexual predator" (I hate that term, though...anyone have a synonym that doesn't dehumanize the aggressor? I have a reason for not wanting to dehumanize the aggressor, which I'll be glad to expound on if anyone cares, or thinks I'm being overly sympathetic).

I do think that my supervisor, and the second-in-command, are bullies, though. I know that in my bad review I was bullied. I didn't just feel bullied, I was bullied. I've seen other people here get bullied.

My company is hardly burning rainforests (any more than other companies in our field) or hiring slave labour in Central America. But it shares a lot, in ideology and human relations if not in actual world-destroying practices, with those nasty corporations. I don't have much doubt that, if this company were ten times larger, it would be doing a lot more damage.

Anyway, aside from stressing over the moral implications of working here, things are good. Maybe, if the summer goes well with the freelancing, I may start to wean myself off of this place. Maybe next year I'll be able to say something.


The Magus

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