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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

There's a reason why cats were associated with the devil.

2004-05-08 - 1:11 a.m.

The cats have now officially kept me awake for 3 hours. They're playing tag team. They literally have not stopped making noise for longer than 5 minutes. Their tactics include chewing on anything cardboard, attacking bookshelves, knocking books onto the floor, climbing onto counters and desks and knocking whatever is on those onto the floor, chasing each other around the apartment, which includes random leaps on top of me, and, best of all, the one trhat has me snarling at them, they scratch at the walls and corners, making a sound very close to the sound of fingernails on chalkboard.

Now that I'm up and typing, the bastards are suddenly quiet.

I have no idea whether getting them fixed would help, but right now I'm thinking the sadistic aspect of the act would be terribly satisfying.


The Magus

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