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Tenacious D Rocks.

Writing (is what I should be doing now)

2004-05-06 - 6:11 p.m.

AAAaaaand, just like solitus did with her completely accurate republican entry (with hilarious - a screw it...I was in the middle of this parenthetical statement, which was really something I was adding in after already writing this paragraph, when a telemarketer called to talk about long distance, and now mentioning the hilarious Iraq War drinking game that Solitus linked to just doesn't seem worth it any more. Blah.), I plan to bury that last entry, because it's icky.

I have tomorrow off, which is nice, because I plan on doing all of the cleaning that got set aside while I had that cold, but I also plan to catch up on some loooong overdue editing and writing. I had committed myself to doing some projects, and I'd really like to see them through, but also, I've finally decided to attend the monthly meeting of a writer's group this weekend. The group was founded by a nanowrimo participant, and I've been wanting to go for the last few months, but never had the time, cash, or gumption (or was it druthers that I was missing? I suppose I'll have to call my old prospector mentor and find out, consarnit). I now have time, enough cash (read: just under $10, which is enough to buy a meal at the restaurant where the meetings are held), and I suppose I have the gumption/druthers/old prospector, or a reasonable facsimile thereof.

Of course, if I'm going to a writers' meeting, it might be handy for me to actually have done some recent writing.

Speaking of which, it's time to stop being distracted by intersting banner ads and maybe I should try writing something now.


The Magus

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