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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.


2004-05-06 - 5:44 p.m.

The only problem with having a kick-ass work out is that you get hella sore. Today was deadlifts (which, for those not in the know, is basically just picking up a heavy barbell over and over again), which means that right now my lower back is sore. By tomorrow morning, my entire back will be sore, and my upper back will still be hurting by Saturday, I guarantee it.

On the bright side, someone complimented me on my legs today...

Which is interesting. I always liked my legs, but in the last few years I would comment that I liked my leg and I'd get an uncomfortable silence. I've heard other people comment on their own physical strengths, and usually when they say, "Gee, I have a nice nose..." everyone around them would say "Yeah, you sure do have a nice nose."

I'd say: "I kinda like my legs."

I'd get: "..."

As a consequence, and because I still have that crazy tendancy to rely on other peoples' comments to evaluate my self-worth (I'm still working on it, I swear), I started to worry that maybe I was I started noticing my legs' flaws: I'm kind of bow-legged, my skin is pasty, I have a bare spot on the front of my shins where the legs of my pants have worn away the hair...

I have a hard time evaluating my physical traits. I don't get very many compliments on my physical appearance...or if I do, I don't hear them. Pookie was special in that he always said that he liked my eyes.

So, it was kind of nice for someone to say that they were jealous of my legs. It was kind of nice for a different co-worker to ask if I'd had my nose done (I haven't...I'm not the plastic surgery type) a couple weeks ago, because he said it was "perfect." (I'd disagree, but I'm not an expert on nose aesthetics).

Agh. I hate talking about this sort of stuff...I don't have a mental familiarity, a comfort level, with how "attractive" or "Handsome" I am. Most times, I'd rather just leave the whole subject alone. It makes me feel uncomfortably squishy.

And I have no idea how to conclude here.


The Magus

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