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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Mission statement

2004-05-02 - 7:00 p.m.

The word for the day is "capable."

I've been feeling "capable", more or less, for the last little while, feeling like I can take my life in hand, like I have what it takes to meet my goals.

And, it seems, I have goals right now, thanks to yesterday's unexpected epiphany. I still want to do it, and I've started looking at some websites of Canadian organisations that do that sort of thing: send people out to help bring literacy to the masses, soap to the filthy, etc.

The biggest obstacle, it looks like, will be financial, but I'm even optimistic about that, since I plan to start making editing money on top of the job I already have.

Here's the plan, folks:

This month is all about resting on my laurels. If my cold is finally beat, I'm going to be going to the gym again, working to make sure that for the first summer ever I'll have a body I'm proud of (not necessarily because of how I look...there's a self-confidence thing going on here, too).

June, I'm going home to Halifax for a couple of weeks. And once I get back, the real fun starts.

I'm going to contact a debt councellor, to see about eliminating my personal debt. I think I'm in a position to start paying something on the money I owe. I'm also going to start taking introductory Spanish lessons, if I can find a summer course.

The summer is also when I plan to start my freelance editing in earnest. Nothing flashy, just a webpage and a few posters around the universities, hoping to catch the summer school crowd. I want to get an idea of what sort of work I'll be doing before September, get some practice, and get a professional routine down.

September, I'm back at school, taking another course toward my editing certificate, as well as working on building my business...

Beyond that, it starts to get hazy, because I don't know what I'll need to be doing to prepare for going to another country, and I have no idea of whether or not my editing business will fly...

But I'm optimistic. I think that, by the time I hit 30, I might actually be something of a success. Here's hoping.

Okay, time to fold the laundry and go to bed....


The Magus

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