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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Time flies

2004-04-30 - 4:48 p.m.

I think I'm more amazed and shocked that my brother is getting older than I've ever been at the fact that I'm aging at the same pace. I think it's because I've been here as I age...I know what's happened, I know what's involved in living my life between birthdays.

But my brother...well, he might be going about this aging thing all wrong. He's definitely doing it too quickly. Sometimes it's hard to reconcile all the images I have in my head for him: I can remember being really young and his sitting in my lap, I can remember playing lego with him, I can remember him as a ten year old and giving his teacher a cactus as an end-of-year gift so she'd "prick herself" (his words). I remember him as a teenager, trying to start his own band, listening to Tragically Hip and Smashing Pumpkins and seeming so much hipper than me, except that he was two years younger and therefore couldn't be hipper than me. I remember his first few girlfriends, how he seemed to change them every couple of weeks when he was a teenager. I remember hosting his 19th birthday party when I was so worried that his friends would trash the place that I couldn't really enjoy myself with them.

And now, the bastard's gone and turned 25 on me. I don't think he counts as a kid in any sense of the word any more.

Those two years that seperate us are seeming to mean less and less...we're both freakin' grownups now.

I hope he has an excellent birthday, and I can't wait to see him in June when I visit home.


The Magus

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