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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Catching Up...

2004-04-30 - 9:01 a.m.

Argh. This cold is like taking two steps forward and one step back. I'm mostly better (I'm at work, anyway), and I plan to rest up on the weekend. I haven't been to the gym in 3 weeks! Argh! This is the longest I've been away in over a year and a half.

Also, yesterday was my 7-month-iversary for the not drinking thing.

I've just discovered that my crush has a long-term and steady boyfriend, and so while it will make it much easier for me to kill the crush, it also means that I have to destroy a tiny piece of my heart with it.

Today is my brother's 25th birthday. How the hell did my younger brother get to be a quarter century? The two years that seperate us seem to get shorter and shorter every year....

On one of the online forums I participate it, I've gotten myself embroiled in a free speech versus child porn debate. I hate those debates, because there really isn't much of a winner either way. I usually side with free speech, but it still bugs me. Ideal world? One where everybody can say what they want, but nobody wants to say anything harmful.

Ick, actually, that might not be an ideal world. How about a world where everybody can say what they want, and most of them want to say things that will help all of us? Better.

Man, I'd make a crappy king of the world. The heart is there, I'm just not great with the practicalities of world peace and social justice.

This has been a rambly entry, brought to you by 3 weeks of backlog.

Next entry, I may talk about how cute the cats are.


The Magus

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