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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Blather and stuff.

2004-04-22 - 10:10 a.m.

I just found out that, as a part of my internet access I have a space to put up a webpage! I may not need to pay for webspace after all! The only problem is that my ISP username and passcode are at home and I am at work. I'll check this out at lunch.

Anyway, had a pretty crummy staff meeting last night. It was filled with "We aren't going corporate, we're just doing what all the corporations are doing." and "We like the relaxed atmosphere, so we're introducing new rules, procedures, and monitoring methods to keep it that way!"

I spent the meeting trying to figure out if our supervisor actually believes the stuff he's saying. It's depressing, trying to unravel double-speak.

Last night, I thought it might be fun to just quit in the middle of the meeting. I didn't do it, but maybe if my freelance editing business looks like it's a viable job, I might want to consider that as an option.

This week, I'm teaching myself javascript.


The Magus

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