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Mouth Breathing revisited

2004-04-20 - 8:39 a.m.

That's the missing equation! The message board that I tried to start two years ago that no one ever posted in was just missing a rousing discussion on mouth breathing!

Anyway, I am a major mouth breather at the moment, because my nose is still stuffed up, because I am still sick. However, I am at work for some bizarre reason that makes no sense (most likely reason is that I thought I was getting better last night when I should have called in sick for today, but boy was I mistaken!)

A little bit more on the mouth breathing, because obviously people aren't riled up enough about it.

Aside from the name-calling and the fact that I do it, I have never heard any sort of fact about mouth breathing in my entire life until now. No one, not even a family doctor, has ever mentioned the mouth breathing health issues....except for a dentist, once, who said that mouth-breathing can lead to a higher number of cavities, because the acidic saliva evaporates before it can attack the bacteria...but that was when I was little, and that was also the same dentist who remarked on my fissure tongue, so he may have been a little obsessed with oral minutiae.

I have, out of wanting to be a little more "normal", tried to learn how to breathe primarily through my nose, however I think I've given up on that for a few reasons:

1)When I sleep, I breathe however my body wants to breathe, which is through the mouth, unless I'm snoring.

2)In cold weather, my nose gets raw and irritated if I try to breathe through it. I think this is mainly because the nasal lining hasn't had much opportunity to adapt to the conditions of the real world.

3)It's really boring trying to concentrate on how you breathe. Breathing's supposed to be automatic so my brain can focus on more important things like watching Survivor on TV.

But I didn't really want to debate mouth is, very much, a non-issue. I just noticed a trend in some television shows, online forums, and online diaries that I wanted to point to, because I don't think traits like mouth-breathing, skin colour, or finger length should be used as generic insults, because sooner or later a person who does not deserve to be insulted will hear it and get hurt.

'Cause really? I shouldn't have spent junior high trying to learn how to breathe "better".

Man, am I grumpy or what this morning? I'm going to blame it on this never-ending cold.


The Magus

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