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Random Magey Goodness

I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Old crush, new crush

2004-03-30 - 8:25 a.m.

I really worded that poorly. I'm celebrating my 6 months of not drinking, not the breakup with Pookie. The break up was a sad thing. The reasoning behind stopping drinking was a sad thing, too, I guess. Sorry, Pookie!

Speaking of Pookie, he's seeing the Governor General of Canada this week. Just because. Once Pookie realizes that this sort of thing happens because he's brilliant, and not because he's lucky, he'll be a powerhouse. I'm not deluded enough to think that he'll single-handedly overhaul the Catholic Church, but just about anyone who knows him can see that he'll be making a big difference somewhere.

The crush, who was in Brazil last week (for a vacation? For work? I know practically nothing about him! Argh!), has been sending emails to the roleplaying group, asking about what went on last week. The emails are a) well written and b)funny. One of them also started with something like: "I understand about crushes." which gave me a heart attack until I realized he was joking about two of our characters (specifically his female, half-ogre barbarian and someone else's male elf druid-thing). It's still utterly ridiculous how I'm acting in this case.

I have some other stuff to chat about, but...meh. I'm sure I'll be writing again soon. I want to skip school tonight, but the midterm is coming up really soon, and I'm feeling like I should be focusing on academics for a little while.


The Magus

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