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6 Months Dry

2004-03-29 - 10:14 a.m.

Also, today is the 6-month-versary of both my break-up with Pookie and my last alcoholic drink. Yay me!

I alternate between having a lot to write about not drinking and having absolutely nothing to say. Right now, I have nothing to say: I stopped drinking, I haven't started again, yet, and that's about it.

Which kind of detracts from the importance of marking the date. So, some reminders:

This is the longest I have gone without alcohol since I was probably 14 or 15 years old. Back then, I would steal liquor from my dad (and sometimes my mom...but my dad was better stocked). He always had beer in the fridge, and he and my step-mom had (still have) an extensive collection of liquor that I could steal a few swallows from, and top off with water so the bottle didn't look empty. I probably did this every time I visited, which was every second weekend when I was in high school. I wouldn't get very drunk, unless I was certain they would be out of the house for several hours, but I was getting alcohol far more regularly than I probably should have. 14 or 15 seems so young to me now...but at the time, I think I felt like I was behind the curve for a lot of things, including alcohol consumption. Imagine my surprise when I realize, over ten years later, that I was actually somewhat advanced in that department.

I miss drinking.

But I don't miss it enough to decide to start again.

Here's to another 6 months.


The Magus

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