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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Odds and Ends

2004-03-23 - 8:57 a.m.

So, I have an "Intermediate" level of French, which places me above average for most of the department. It's weird having a skill...I guess I kind of just assumed that most people spoke French, which makes about as much sense as assuming most people sleep with cheetahs. Most people don't sleep with cheetahs, do they? Have I missed out?

That's about all that's going on. I emailed my family, and called my brother, and chatted with him last night. It was nice, even though I woke him up from a nap.

I have class tonight, and I must be feeling better because I'm not dreading it. Sure, I dislike the prof, and the class will be deathly boring and dull, but I'm not all anxious about the social interaction. Hooray for Good Mental Health days!

I'm also starting to feel kind of okay with being anti-social, in my quirky sort of way. I have a few friends that I see and talk with every now and then, and there really isn't much need for any more. I like being someone who comes home from work, does some editing, and then reads with his cats curled up in his lap until it's time for bed (at which point, the cats wake up and run around making lots of noise for three hours. That part I can live without).

I know that I must seem like an emotional yo-yo, and that I seem to be having issues with my fidelity to emotions and mood, but what sort of self-indulgent online journaller would I be without the obligatory mood change every other week?


The Magus

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