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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Bonsoir, je suis le salle de bain.

2004-03-22 - 7:33 a.m.

I am not supposed to be updating now, because I have to shower and finish my breakfast and drink my tea and get dressed and go to work, so if you care about my being on time, imagine that this entry isn't happening.

I forgot to mention it before, but because my company wants to expand our voice personals system into the French parts of Canada, we are all being assessed in our French-speaking skills today.

This is worse than zombies.

It won't be that bad. I took French Immersion for 6 years, my dad is real name is even spelled the French way ("Le Magus"). I just happen to have a terribly thick English accent that I'm very self-conscious about, and I tend to avoid speaking french if I think I'm going to be judged on my ability. Which, today, I am.

Often before a social event, I spend a lot of time "planning" the conversation, running through possible lines that might happen, and what I'll say. This is an agonizing excercise, because I'm aware that the conversation will almost never go the way I expect, but I can't help it.

Now, I'm having imaginary conversation-planning sessions in my head, but they're all in French. Argh!


Le Magus

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