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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Grumpy Gus

2004-03-11 - 8:36 a.m.

My mood changed on a dime yesterday. I was feeling pretty good, and then, after work, I went to pay some of my phone bill, but apparantly, in this city, the only way you can pay a bill is by going to the bank or by sending a money order. I get off work at 4, the bank closes at 4. Hm. Money orders cost money, and I'll be damned if I'll pay a bill in order to pay a bill.

So, this ruined my mood and I'm half-tempted to just cancel the phone and get a cell phone, because I know that I'd be able to pay for one by going to a desk and speaking with an actual person. It's weird...I don't like strangers, but I absolutely loathe automation when it comes to customer service.

Anyway, I tried to recover from the fact that my plan to be all responsible failed so miserably, and tried to convince myself that one unfortunate incident shouldn't be enough to ruin what had been, until that moment, a really great day. I even scheduled an impulse dentist appointment (that I have to cancel 'cause I can't really afford it) in an effort to convince myself that I actually did something positive yesterday.

The staff meeting was abysmal...not for any reason other than that some points made it quite clear to me that I work for people who only see the customers as dollar signs, and that we are not above deceiving customers to get their cash.

I tried to express this to a co-worker and he started about how businesses need to make money, and if they didn't, I wouldn't have a job, which is a load of dung and is misleading at best, and is a really great way of camoflaging the fact that I am lowering other people's quality of life so that I can continue working at a job I don't enjoy very much. Can we say "Pet Peeve?" Don't get angry at injustice, because that's the way it's always been and that's how it has to be! Just be glad that you're richer than almost everyone, even though you're constantly suyrrounded by stress about money, and be happy!

I have exactly 150 minutes to shake this mood before I get grumpy with a different co-worker for no reason.

Hm. Last Thursday I was viciously angry, too. I hope this isn't a side-effect of the day shift.


The Magus

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