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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Coming Soon to an Internet Near You

2004-03-11 - 10:32 a.m.

So, my mood has marginally improved, mainly because I've been tooling around with HTML again, working on my webpage idea. I wanted a page that could serve as a springboard for any editing and publishing projects I want to do, so what I've come up with is a page that will have both current events/non-fiction articles on stuff that I care about, as well as a fiction section where I'll publish short stories, and maybe poetry (I'm not a big fan o' poetry, but I recognise poetry's right to exist). I'm also going to have a monthly (or maybe weekly) "Rant", and a page that lets people know all about my editing business. Oo, and funny or interesting photographs. It'll be wild.

Anyway, before I can actually put all of this stuff on the web, I need a name. Anyone have an idea for a name? Also, anyone know of really cheap and/or free web providers? Also, anyone interested in occasionally writing articles, stories, or taking pictures? I can't pay anyone, because I'm po', but one day I will not be po', and until then, you'll have my respect and admiration.

Also, once the page is up, everyone will be able to find out my real name! I'm sure that's been a burning question in everyone's mind.

I'm getting my kitties tonight. I was planning on changing their names, but I just heard that their names are Fred and Ginger (they're both male), and I'm really not sure if I should tamper with such campy perfection. Ah, heck, I'll probably forget which one is which and start calling them "Hey, you!"


The Magus

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