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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Crafty new spamming techniques

2004-03-10 - 5:59 a.m.

The crush has just invited me to a party on Saturday, except that he didn't identify himself in the email and the subject line was just a garble of letters (unless they stand for something that I'm not wise enough to understand), so I spent about five minutes reading what I thought was the weirdest piece of spam I've ever received. I was imagining going to a party and meeting a bunch of other people lured by the spam invite, where we would all be forced to listen to a tupperwear sales pitch or something.

Luckily, I finally recognized the name in the "from" space.

I'm not sure if I'm going to go...I'd like to, but I also don't do well in environments where I don't know anyone. I always latch on to whoever I do know, and feel like a pest the whole evening. Also, the crush feelings have gone away (no idea if they'll return once exposed to their source, though), so that's not really pulling at me...besides, how embarrassing would it be to spend an evening where the only person I know is someone who I'm drooling over?

I'm going to send him a reply email to get some more information.


The Magus

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